Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Neva's Poncho

Neva's Poncho

I'd thought for a while of making Neva a poncho, for these transition-y days when it's warm and cool all in the same day. Neva requested these colours, and was especially happy about the fuzzy-sparkly bits at the bottom. It's actually a pattern which can be made longer as needed (just pick out the bottom cast-off edge and keep knitting) which is why I chose it; however, the interminable number of stitches around the bottom of this slightly-too-short poncho were making me crazy, so I'm not confident about how much longer this thing will ever get. It was an easy knit, though, and she seems to love it, which is really all that matters.

Pattern: Grow With Your Child Poncho
Yarn: Three colours of chunky acrylic yarn; pink fluffy Bernat "Disco" yarn for the border

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