Friday, June 02, 2006

Ribbon Shawl and Silk Bag

Ribbon Shawl and Silk Bag

Here are two projects for the price of one, both of which were used at a wedding in June 2006. The ribbon shawl is made out of yarn given to me for Christmas 2005 from Nancy, and I love the way it turned out. There were a few false starts with it while I learned how to knit with this yarn and not drop stitches, but ultimately it turned out fine. The bag I made up out of my own head to go with a dress I made to go with the shawl... Now if I could just learn how to make shoes, I wouldn't need stores for anything.

Pattern: Shawl: free pattern from Wool-Tyme; Bag: out of my head
Yarn: Plymouth Eros Ribbon Yarn
Fabric: silk from our trip to Thailand

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