Friday, December 21, 2007

Jade Socks for Jeffy

Jade Socks for Jeffy

In an effort to find something to make for Jeffy for holiday gift-giving occasions, I knit him a pair of socks. (I actually finished these a good month or so ago, but since he only got them tonight, this was the earliest I could post them. This will happen a lot over the holidays as recipients of my hand-knitted gifts get their stuff. Anyway:) This is my own pattern of cables, and the yarn is supposed to go with his medical greens, in case he wears socks at work. I'm quite pleased with how they turned out, though there are a couple of mistakes which I decided I could live with. (I don't think they're noticeable to the untrained eye.)

Pattern: my own
Yarn: Dream In Color Classy, in "Good Luck Jade"

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