Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hallowe'en Costumes 2010: Neva and Hugh

So here we have Neva and Hugh in their Pokémon costumes: that's Cyndaquil on the left and Chikorita on the right, or as I like to call them, "Green Blob With Leaf" and "Platypus on Fire." These were actually super-fun to make. I used a standard McCall's dinosaur pattern and just adjusted the details accordingly, faking my way along when necessary. (As I said at the quilt retreat weekend last month: I feel like I've been doing this long enough that I can break the rules if I want to.) I've also learned that it's the details that matter, especially when it comes to costumes. The kids seem very happy with how they've tunred out, and I know them well enough to know that these will get used long past Hallowe'en. (Give me credit for making the fire detachable, so I can wash Hugh's costume as needed. A 6-year-old boy in a mostly cream costume? I know how that story ends. With muddy knees, at the very least.) So far, so good. Now I just have to make a Dora the Explorer Head for Rory to wear, and we're all set. Talk about "faking your way through."
Pattern: McCall's 6185
Fabric: Fleece and some random sparkly stuff for the fire

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