Sunday, March 20, 2011

Backdoor Quilt Series: Beginnings

Many, many moons ago I made a fall quilt from a pattern called "Back Door Quilt Series: Be Thankful." I'm a sucker for all things Autumn, and this was right up my alley. My office at work had a perfect space of blank, bleak wall which was just calling out for some décor, and that autumn quilt fit the bill perfectly. I changed the lettering to "Thankfulness" (not wanting to be too pushy) and it still hangs there every fall.
The problem with seasonal quilts, however, is that (in my opinion) they look weird if they're hanging there out of season. So I duly designed and constructed a winter-themed one ("Tranquility") using the same basic principles, and it hangs there during the winter. And just this week - while I had a reduced child-care load over March Break thanks to various members of the Sheldrake family - I finished off this spring one: "Beginnings." The template is the same, but the design of the quilt part itself is totally from my own brain. This was a very organic process - I kind of faked my way through most of it - but I'm really thrilled with the results. One of the things I love about these quilts is the little bird that gets incorporated: a crow for fall, a cardinal for winter, and here - a robin for spring. The flowers are made following a couple of patterns in the Fabled Flowers book. I love it, and even though it's snowing outside today, it reminds me that spring is just around the corner.
Pattern: my own, but based on the Back Door Quilt Series
Fabrics: from my stash

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