Thursday, June 28, 2012

Star Wars Mittens

Our friend Jason is turning 40 this year. He's a Star Wars Geek of epic proportions, so to celebrate this milestone I decided to make him a pair of mittens. Ravelry (source of all things knitting) came through with the fairisle patterns for the characters, and I used a mitten pattern I've used before. I'm pretty happy with how they turned out, though I'm nervous they might be a bit big. However, it's an easy fix to make them a bit smaller. My own little geek self came out while making these; I decided to put the "good guy" (R2-D2) on the right hand mitten, and the "bad guy" (stormtrooper) on the left. (Fun fact: "sinister" is actually from the Latin for "left hand [sinestra].") Happy Birthday, Shark! May the force continue to be with you.
Pattern: Modified Cigar with Fairisle Star Wars Patterns
Yarn: Cascade 220 Heathers

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